Ways to Socialize Safely During Self Isolation

By Joskeity C.

Why me?

I am Joskeity and I go to TYWLS Bronx. I am currently doing remote leraning and I am trying keep myself from going crazy without someone next to me or doing work with me. I learned that socializing with your friends can make you seem like you are there with. See how I do it below!!!

Tip #1: Facetime with friends

If you miss your friends like I do then spend your day on the phone together

Tip#2: Netflix Party with friends

if you feel like watching a show or movie with your friends then you can use Netflix Party. It's a google extension that allows you to watch shows or movies together without being next to eachother.

Tip#3: Play Imessage games with friends

If you wanted to play games online If you have an Iphone then you can compete against eachother then play some Imessage games